Updates: Cloudflare - The Three S-Curves (Pt.2) - NET's SASE Strengths In CASB, SD-WAN, & Beyond

Updates: Cloudflare - The Three S-Curves (Pt.2) - NET's SASE Strengths In CASB, SD-WAN, & Beyond


  • In Part 2 we discuss Act 2, Cloudflare's entrance in enterprise networking and network security, and point out their strengths and weaknesses within SASE.
  • Part 3 will cover Act 3, Cloudflare's edge compute offering and we will review the competition.
  • In Part 4 we'll discuss the latest quarterly results and provide our valuation analysis.

Act 2

Act 2, the 2nd S-Curve, is Cloudflare's (NET) SASE and broader enterprise network and network security, and is the area of the business promising to deliver most growth in the near to intermediate term. Act 2 begun in January 2018, when NET launched Cloudflare Access, a zero trust solution providing employees with secure access to internal applications. Originally, the motivation behind Cloudflare Access was to create a secure, efficient way for Cloudflare’s own employees to access internal applications without relying on traditional VPN solutions, which could be slow and cumbersome. After refining the solution and experiencing its benefits firsthand, NET decided to commercialize Access in 2018, enabling other organizations to benefit from the same secure and efficient access management system.

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