For institutional investors, on request, we can do tailored research or memos into any specific aspect of Wiz. For all types of investors, here are individual reports either solely focused on Wiz or including Wiz to some degree.
For institutional inquiries please email admin@g.convequity.com for more information.
Wiz memo for Contrary Research (research division of Contrary Capital) - Free to read at Contrary Research
Cloud Security Series #1: Pre-IPO, Orca Security (September 2022)
Part 1 Of Mini Security Series: Cloud Security (May 2022)
Cloud Security Series #2: Pre-IPO, Lacework (October 2022)
Cloud Security Series #4: Pre-IPO, Wiz (November 2022)
Cloud Security Series #3: Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Cloud (November 2022)
Tailored research requests - price negotiable